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itch because it doesnt see the logo of gluten free candy

Candy is preferable by children, especially the sweet candy. And unique colors, but be careful not to eat too much candy, they'll bias toothache. Because the taste of sweet candy, will make cavities that ended with a toothache. But you watch, it turns out candy also bias results in itching, commonly called allergy. Why there?, This happened to candy that contain gluten. Who have an allergy to gluten better to buy gluten free candy contained in the packs or candy boxes wholesale.

Gluten is a sticky, elastic protein that functions to thicken or bind the dough in candy, so candy attached and shaped. Gluten is not just the candy but in bread, or materials made for the paste on the dough.

Gluten is very sensitive to children, so you should alert to children who have a gluten allergy, do not give foods that contain gluten, let alone candy.

There are still many who have not graft logo gluten free candy in the packaging, you will concerned with the candy, but it can be seen in the composition. If there is gluten in the means do not give. Check your doctor whether your child, you has effect by allergies or gluten. by check, you'll know.

Not only can cause itching, Gluten can affect your gut. This is the cause of severe pain.

The good news for you that people with gluten allergy is still small, so try to check whether you are including people with gluten allergies. Now check the candy that you hold. Do contain gluten. Refer to the packaging before buying, or composition, see if there is labeling gluten free candy or not.
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